Categories: Garden Furniture,
Solid Soul Design
Solid Soul design were commissioned by Islington Council to design, build and install a chess table and chairs to celebrate the life of one of its former residents and councillors, George Durack.
By working closely with the Islington Pensioners forum throughout the designing and commissioning process Solid Soul Design were able to make sure that the final design not only had the right design aesthetic but also addressed all the accessibility concerns that came up during the project.
The Chess table is made out of Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete (GFRC), Stainless steel brackets and the timber is reclaimed Ekki. These materials make it a perfect fit for every public realm project.
Some of the benefits of using GFRC over of traditional concrete:
1- GFRC is 80% lighter
2- GFRC uses 50% less cement
3- GFRC uses 80% less sand and aggregate
4- Reduced weight means lower transport costs
5- A serious reduction in the overall carbon footprint
Solid Soul Design is family business, established in 2001 and run by Brendan and Kieron McSherry. We design and hand craft high quality Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) furniture for streets, parks and gardens.
We aim make all our products practical and enjoyable to use as well as adding a sculptural element to the landscape. The materials we use are durable and low maintenance making them perfect for outdoor and public spaces. We make all our products to order in the UK.