CerPlus – Smart Treatment to Protect Wood Appearance
Energenics is a successful, well established SME dedicated to innovation. Originally a nanotechnology spin out from Oxford University and located on the University’s Begbroke Science Park, we have a successful track record in the discovery and commercialisation of novel products which address environmental challenges.
Using its proprietary technology Energenics has developed the innovative CerPlus® P series smart treatments, providing a scientific breakthrough in preserving the appearance and reducing maintenance of exterior wood (patent applied).
CerPlus® P series products use nanoparticles of a natural mineral known to be a highly effective UV absorber. These small particles penetrate deep into the wood surface where they chemically bond to the wood molecules providing long-lasting protection against sunlight.
As the particles preferentially bond to reactive sites on the wood molecules they block them from attack by water. This causes the wood surface to become hydrophobic, greatly reducing the ingress of rainwater and other moisture. As a result, the surface growth of biological species like black mould and fungi which are dependent on water is inhibited.
In some types of wood the bonding of the particles to the wood surface produces an attractive richer, deeper brown tone, despite the absence of pigments in the formulation.